Snapchat has restricted the ability to use previous methods to take a screenshot in snapchat without notifying. This now works differently on iPhone, although on Android you can still enable screen recording.
If you're not familiar with this feature of Snapchat, streaks are special series of photo and video exchanges between users that last for several days in a row. The longer a stream manages to stay saved, the higher its score.
You can create a private Snapchat story and from the list choose which friends will see it. But it's best to change Snapchat story privacy settings so that it applies to all stories.
Snapchat ad-revenue sharing program let's Snapchat creators to boost their revenue, but that turns into constant posting and lack of privacy. And that hurts Snapchat as a "space for friends".
The main feature of Snapchat is a self-destructive photo or video messages. Conversations that disappear after 10 seconds have created a new culture of...
Snapchat is an extremely popular photo and video sharing platform. Even as you read this, there are probably millions of users sharing various snapshots...