If you want to know what year your Panasonic TV is, I’ll tell you about it now. Panasonic and other companies had problems with TV sales; several factors contributed to this. The main element is the growth in sales of Chinese companies that offered televisions at a lower price. Also, the fact that Panasonic had been a long-time supporter of plasma technology. If companies like Samsung stopped plasma TV production in 2010, continuing to produce only single models till the stock ran out, Panasonic mass-produced plasma TVs till 2014. Because of this policy, sales in the U.S. dropped a lot; Panasonic stopped selling TVs in the U.S. in 2014, keeping the Canadian, Mexican, and Latin American markets. But Panasonic eventually stopped selling TVs in the Americas completely starting in 2020.
You should know that Panasonic has a basic TV model, such as the JX980. There are JX982B, JX985C, and modifications made for different markets. So if your TV model is JX987 in the table, you will find the JX980 model that will be your TV model.

How do I know what year my Panasonic TV is

It’s easy, here’s an example, the TV model is TX-65JZW984. TX is the product code in this case TV, 65 screen size. JZW984 is the model number. JZ is the year and line of TVs, W is the TV for Germany, 984 is the TV model. Look up the JZ table, it’s a 2021 OLED TV.

Table of Panasonic TV models by year

The table shows televisions from 2010. Older TVs are not listed in the table, they are obsolete. Software updates, even critical ones, are no longer available and they cannot be repaired at Panasonic service centers.

YearModel TV Panasonic
2022LZ2000/1500 / 1000 / 980 / 800
LX900 / 800 / 700 / 650
LS490 / 480
2021JZ2000 / 1500 / 1000 / 980 / 800 series,
JX980 / 970 / 950 / 940 / 900 / 870 / 850 / 800 / 750 / 700 series
2020HZ2000 / 1500 / 1000 / 980 series,
HX970 / 950 / 940 / 900 / 880 / 850 / 800 / 750 / 700 series
2019GZ2000 / 1500 / 1000 / 950 series,
GX900 / 880 / 850 / 800 / 750 / 740 / 700 / 600 series
2018FZ1000 / 950 / 800 series,
FX800 / 780 / 750 / 740 / 730 / 700 / 680 / 650 / 640 / 600 / 500 series,
FS600 / 500 / 400 series
2017EZ1000 / 950 series,
EX780 / 750 / 730 / 700 / 680 / 640 / 600 / 500 series,
ES630 / 600 / 500 / 400 series
2016DX900 / 800 / 780 / 750 / 740 / 730 / 700 / 680 / 650 / 640 / 600 series,
DS630 / 600 / 500 / 400 series
2015CZ950 series
CX800 / 700 / 600 series,
CS650 / 630 / 620 / 610 / 600 / 520 / 510 / 500 series
201485X940 series,
AX900 / 850 / 800 / 670 / 630 / 600 series,
AS800 / 750 / 740 / 700 / 670 / 660 / 650 / 640 / 630 / 620 / 610 / 600 / 540 / 530 / 500 series
2013WT600 / WT60 / ZT60 / VT60 / GT60 / FT60 / DT60 / ST60 / S60 / ET60 / E60 / E6 / EV6 / XV6 / BL6 / BV6 series
2012VT50 / WT50 / DT50 / GT50 / ST50 / UT50 / XT50 / ET50 / ET5 / E50 / E5 series
2011VT30 / DT30 / D30 / GT30 / G30 / UT30 / ST30 / S30 / E30 series
2010VT20 / V20 / D20 / GT20 / G20 / S25 series

If you need help identifying a Panasonic TV model, you can’t find your TV model in the table; it’s possible that your TV was manufactured before 2010. You should also know that Panasonic orders TVs from OEM companies in some countries. These are companies that make TVs to call with any brand name. The table shows the main models of TVs. Suppose you need help determining the year of your TV. You can ask your question in the comments, and I will help you choose the year of your TV.


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