A dryer model number identifies the appliances and helps you choose when buying a dryer. And if you need to know the year of manufacture or pick up parts for your dryer, the model number is necessary for getting the correct information. I’ll tell you how to easily find and decode your LG dryer’s model and serial numbers.
You should know some nuances; the model numbers of dryers are different for different countries; this is caused both by the peculiarities of dryers and the desire of the manufacturer to differentiate the markets. Let’s look at the differences in some countries.
USA, Canada – in these countries, dryers are very popular; there are two types of dryers, and the heat source for drying laundry can be electricity or gas, and both types of dryers are pretty popular.
Europe – Drying machines use electricity for drying; if there are gas-powered drying machines, they are rare.
Mexico – Mostly electric dryers.
Australia, New Zealand – electric dryers.
Korea – electric dryers
China – electric dryers.
The structure of serial numbers is the same for all countries. From the serial number, you can find out the date of manufacture of the dryer, and by comparing the model number and the serial number, you will know precisely when the dryer was made. This is necessary if you buy a used dryer or decide whether to repair it or buy a new one.
US and Canada dryer model number decoding

Let’s decode the LG DLEX5500V dryer model number for the US and Canada.
- D – dryer
- L – dryer type, for laundry
- E – energy carrier for dryer operation
- E – electrical
- G – gas
- HC (С) – heat condenser (in the dryer, there is a small compressor that cools the coil through which the pump blows air, moisture condenses and flows into the tank) for heating is used gas or electricity.
You can find these abbreviations.
- DLE – electric dryer ventilated humid air enters the room.
- DLEX – electric dryer with steam function.
- DLEC – electric dryer with a condenser; moisture is collected in a container.
- DLG – gas dryer
- DLGX – gas dryer with steam function.
- DLGC – gas dryer with condenser
- 5 – series, the higher the number, the more functions are available
- 5 – model
- 00 – specification
- 00 – for electrics
- 01 – for gas
- M – housing color
- W for white
- B – black
- V – Graphite Steel
- M – Middle Black
- K – Black Stainless
- L – Platinum Black
UK dryer model number decoding

In the UK, the LG dryer model number is quite minimalized and can be decoded like this, for example, model number FDC309W.
- F – front loading
- D – dryer
- C – modification, something has been changed in the dryer, but the same platform is used.
- 3 – series, the higher the number, the greater the functionality
- 0 – model
- 9 – maximum load of laundry
- W – color
- W – white
- B – black
- S – graphite
Germany dryer model number decoding

Germany has a very confusing system of model codes for LG dryers. There are two kinds of model codes. For example, RT80V9W / V3R08T / RT90V9W are the same dryer model with slight variations. It is virtually impossible to get any information from the model number other than the maximum load, which is meaningless since no one weighs the laundry before drying.
Europe dryer model number decoding
For the rest of Europe, you can find dryers RC7DN8029
The model numbers given refer to the same type of dryer. This diversity is due to the company’s need to differentiate the washing machines by sales region. However, they are assembled in the same factory. So, there is no point in looking for a pattern for the model number of LG dryers in European countries.
LG dryer serial number decoding

The LG dryer serial number consists of 12 characters. From the serial number, you can find out the production date of the dryer. Of course, the manufacturer only indicates the month in which the dryer was assembled. Often the production date is written on the sticker. Also, from the serial number, you can find out the country in which the dryer was assembled, but again often LG indicates in which country the dryer was assembled.
Here’s how you can decode the serial number of the dryer 012KWLR1V632
- 0 – is the year, the order of repetition after ten years.
- 0 – 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030
- 1 – 2001, 2011, 2021, 2031
- 2 – 2002, 2012, 2022, 2032
- 3 – 2003, 2013, 2023, 2033
- 4 – 2004, 2014, 2024, 2034
- 5 – 2005, 2015, 2025, 2035
- 6 – 2006, 2016, 2026, 2036
- 7 – 2007, 2017, 2027, 2037
- 8 – 2008, 2018, 2028, 2038
- 9 – 2009, 2019, 2029, 2039
- 12 – months, two digits are used
- 01 – December
- 02 – February
- 03 – March
- 04 – April
- 05 – May
- 06 – June
- 07 – July
- 08 – August
- 09 – September
- 10 – October
- 11 – November
- 12 – December
- KW – factory code.
- TN – US
- MM – Mexico
- MX – Mexico
- KW – Korea
- PW – Poland
- RA – Russia
- RW – Russia
- PN – China
- LR1V632 is a unique number; it contains information about the assembly line and the order number of the dryer.
How to find the LG dryer model and serial numbers
If you are choosing a washer, you can find the model number on the LG website and choose a dryer by comparing different models. But if you already have a dryer and it’s several years old, you will need to remember the model number. Or maybe you didn’t know because you bought a house with a dryer, and now you need to find information about the model and serial numbers. Here’s where you’ll find the information you need.
Under the loading door is a label with information about the unit.

On the side or back of the dryer is a shipping label with a barcode. This label is designed to be read by a scanner when the dryer is moved over the carpet and packing material.

What is the LG dryer product code?
While the model and serial numbers are self-explanatory, the product code requires clarification.
The product code is RC9066A3F. ABWEEUS.
As you realize, LG only develops a few dryer models that can be found on websites. There are hardly two dozen models. Therefore, the product code is nothing more than the name of the chassis on which the dryer is built. In this case, for the US, the dryer has model number DLEC888W but is built on chassis RC9066A3F; you can also find a washing machine with model number RC9066A3F.
ABWEEUS is the generation identifier of the dryer chassis and also identifies the region for which the dryer was manufactured. This information is necessary for service centers to select replacement parts properly. And if you need to buy parts for your dryer, the model code will come in handy.