Vladimir Sereda / Splaitor Media

Telegram, like any other messenger, allows for quite flexible user management, you have the ability to block any user or chat.

How to block users in Telegram

How to Block a User in Telegram on iPhone

  1. Open Telegram and go to the chat with the user you want to block.
  2. Tap on their name or profile picture at the top to open their profile.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Block User”.
  4. Confirm by selecting “Block” in the pop-up window.

Once blocked, the user will no longer be able to send you messages, call you, or see your online status.

How to Block a User in Telegram on Android

  1. Open Telegram and go to the chat with the user.
  2. Tap on their name or profile picture at the top.
  3. Tap the three-dot menu (⋮) in the top-right corner.
  4. Select “Block User” and confirm the action.

After blocking, the user will not be able to message you, call you, or see your activity.

How to Block a User via Telegram Settings

If you don’t have an active chat with the person, you can block them through the settings:

  1. Open Telegram and go to Settings (⚙️ on iPhone or ☰ > Settings on Android).
  2. Select “Privacy and Security”.
  3. Tap “Blocked Users” and then “Add User”.
  4. Find the user in your contacts or search for their name, then select “Block”.

What Happens After Blocking?

  • The user won’t receive a notification that they’ve been blocked.
  • They won’t be able to send you messages or call you. Any calls will be automatically declined.
  • They won’t see your online status or profile updates.
  • If they had an existing chat with you, it will remain, but new messages won’t be delivered.

You can unblock a user at any time through the same settings by selecting “Unblock”.


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