How much storage space do you need on an Android device


It’s an eternal problem for a mobile device’s owner to find a space for storing data. All this happens because people when buying a smartphone rarely think about how much space is taken by a video recorded in 4K resolution or a game that consumes a lot of smartphone resources.

What do you need to know about the amount of storage space on your Android device

Mobile device memory is a sore subject for many users. It gets clogged quickly and doesn’t let you save files if the volume is small, and the extra gigabytes increase the price tag. If you’re wondering how much space you need on your Android smartphone, you should know that the answer is very simple and straightforward. However, behind this simplicity, there are pitfalls that almost no one thinks about.

Electronics store owners and managers often point out that it’s the choice of storage capacity that is a stumbling block for many customers and takes a lot of time. For stores, this means having to offer at least two versions of the same smartphone, one with basic storage capacity and one with extended storage capacity.

Well, if you want to determine the amount of storage space on your Android smartphone before you go to buy it in the store, here’s what you should know.

How much storage is used on any Android smartphone

The first thing you should understand is that the memory in your smartphone isn’t just for storing apps, photos, music, and other content, but also for the system itself. The operating system initially takes up some memory on your device, so if you buy a smartphone with 128 GB of memory, you can’t expect to have all of it free.

In addition, some apps are preinstalled on almost all smartphones. Which ones depend on the manufacturer. Almost all Android devices, with the exception of Huawei and Honor, will definitely have Google services. However, it’s unlikely that they will take up two gigabytes. These apps weigh 60-150 MB.

Accordingly, if the box indicates a storage capacity of 128 GB, in fact, it will be about 110-115 GB (depending on the model and brand of the smartphone).

What takes up the most storage space on an Android smartphone

Of course, most of the memory on a smartphone Android in most cases will occupy is multimedia. Modern mobile devices have cameras that can eventually produce an image that looks like it was taken with a professional camera. It’s pictures and videos of this quality that take up a huge amount of memory.

For example, a minute of video shot at 4K resolution often takes about 350-400 MB. This means that three minutes of recording will take up to 1 GB of storage space. With this resolution, the maximum video recording time is about three hours for the 64 GB model. That’s not a lot. For that reason, if you’re regularly shooting videos or photos, you’ll need as much storage space as possible.

Having dealt with photos and video, you need to focus on music and movies, podcasts are also for music. Here everything is quite simple, if you watch movies and TV series on your phone, then expect that one season, consisting of 8-10 episodes, will take 5-8 GB of space in good quality.

In the head should also keep such a rarity these days, as a trip on vacation, usually, people download the series a few weeks in advance. Music in normal quality will take you a couple of gigabytes, and if you want to save your entire collection, then lay down 5-6 GB of space.

Also, a lot of space can take up cache in messengers, demanding games, as well as apps.

In Android, you cannot take up all the memory of the phone, as this will lead to slowdowns, some functions won’t work at all. The universal rule is that the ideal amount of free memory is 6-8 GB, this will avoid any problems. It’s harmful to fill the memory up to the eyeballs because you will get a lot of problems and you will definitely not be happy with your device.

Do you need a memory card on an Android device

The cost of making a mistake when choosing a particular version of an Android smartphone isn’t so great, since you can always use memory cards, most devices support them. Even if you miss initially, you can partially correct your mistake. However, here you need to understand that not all apps allow you to save all files on the memory card, not always it has a positive effect on the speed of operation, so here too it’s worth paying attention to.

In some flagships on Android, there’s no support for memory cards, just like in the iPhone, so the right choice here becomes even more important. However, for Android smartphones, as a rule, there’s enough memory for your eyes, and you won’t notice any flaws.

How much storage space do you need on an Android device

In order to understand how much memory you need, you first need to assess what you do on your smartphone, and how much memory you have today. Go to the appropriate section and see how much you have occupied. If your device is 1-3 years old, and the amount of free memory is about half, then you’re likely a “light” user, mostly making calls, messaging, and occasionally taking photos.

Using a smartphone as a phone and a means of communication, you don’t overload the storage with apps. As a consequence, the choice for you is as simple as possible – the same amount of memory or more due to the fact that even in the basic models, the amount of built-in memory is constantly growing. A couple of years ago, the flagships had 64 GB of memory, today it’s 128 GB.

In 2022, you should focus on 128 GB of storage and keep the use of the memory card in mind. In the future, this looks like a rational approach for these users. In this case, you can install a memory card of virtually any size.


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