Editorial Guidelines


We are proud of our content and strive to ensure it benefits our readers. Therefore, we take key elements such as content quality, integrity, accuracy, and up-to-date information presented in our articles seriously.

Created as a website focused on TV-related information, Tab-TV has evolved to cover a diverse range of topics united by a common thread – a dedication to technology and its impact on our lives.

We do not engage external authors or freelancers in content creation, relying solely on the expertise within our team. However, we may enlist external people as consultants to provide expert assessments and additional insights for our articles.

Our authors do not have external engagements that need disclosure to avoid bias or conflicts of interest. They do not own shares and have no affiliations with companies whose products are featured or reviewed in our articles. All our content is free from bias, conflicts, and misinformation.

Why do we create content?

That’s the most important question, and we ask it only: “to assist our readers.” This is why we choose to cover topics that interest us. Like everyone else, we constantly seek a variety of content and appreciate it when we find material that helps us. In the same way, we aim to provide information to our readers by writing content that helps them comprehend technologies, understand how they work, make informed purchasing decisions, or solve problems. Often, ideas for articles spontaneously arise when we need assistance with something. So, usually, we create content not only for our readers but also for ourselves.

We adhere to a simple rule: content created by the people, for the people. Despite the increasing popularity of AI, we aim to minimize its use in content creation. We do not employ AI, including ChatGPT, for content creation, as it contradicts our policy. Don’t get us wrong, ChatGPT is a powerful tool, as well as other AI models, but we believe that expert people can do much more if we rely on our own.

Who creates content for Tab-TV?

The Tab-TV team creates all the content you see on our website (you can learn more about us here), and we do not engage freelance authors in writing articles. Information about the authors is always provided in the articles, except in cases where multiple authors contributed to the content (in which case, it may be attributed to Tab-TV Team). Every article also features more detailed information about the author, including their expertise, aiding readers in understanding that an expert with sufficient knowledge on the subject wrote the content.

We do not use AI for content creation because we aim to produce people-first content, catering to its target audience and those who create it. While we have experimented with AI, we have realized that it does not allow us to achieve accuracy and in-depth analysis, so we rely on our authors and their expertise when creating content, not on the algorithms.

How do we create content?

Writing an article involves multiple stages, depending on our writing. When writing a “How to” article that delineates an encountered problem, the writing typically details the issue faced, proposes a solution based on our expertise and experience in solving this problem, and outlines the steps. Whenever possible, we strive to enhance articles with visuals to make them easier to understand.

For more complicated articles, the process becomes more elaborate and may involve gathering information from diverse sources, consulting with experts, and drafting the article. In such articles, we incorporate sources within the article as hyperlinks and listed at the bottom as a list of sources used. Additionally, we aim to include references to related articles across the Internet to give our readers more options to explore additional sources. 

In cases where an article demands in-depth analysis and substantial effort in its composition, we include a link to supplementary technical material. This allows readers to delve into the article creation process, evaluating its quality and the effort invested in it.

Following the completion of any article, other team members who were not involved in its creation edit and review it. This review assesses the article’s quality, including the accuracy of information and its utility.

Our team includes several editors who do not contribute to the technical aspects of article writing. Before publication, they undertake tasks such as spelling and grammar checks, formatting assessment, ensuring readability, evaluating the overall appearance of the article, including image quality, and verifying the inclusivity of the text.

How do we keep articles accurate and correct?

Our articles tend to become outdated as we focus on consumer technology topics, requiring regular updates to maintain relevance. To address this, we employ two primary strategies. Firstly, we monitor changes occurring in the subjects we cover. We promptly revise the article to ensure its accuracy upon encountering new information. Secondly, we encourage readers to contact us at feedback@tab-tv.com to report outdated information. In such cases, we swiftly update the article to reflect current information and any new information that should be included.

We generally try to update articles even if they don’t require information updates. This practice often allows us to incorporate interesting facts or provide minor clarifications.

We update the article’s publication date to convey to readers the current relevance of the information. We also publish a change log detailing modifications, enhancing transparency for readers to understand what has been altered.

We refrain from artificially updating articles (where an article is updated to appear fresh). Suppose you see a new date on an old article. In that case, it indicates that significant information has been added or modified or new information has been incorporated to enhance the understanding of the topic.

Additionally, despite our commitment to delivering the highest quality articles that undergo a rigorous review process, occasional errors may still occur. In such instances, we promptly transparently rectify the error, ensuring that readers understand what has been changed and which error has been corrected. If you have identified an error (or believe it to be), contact us at feedback@tab-tv.com, and we will consider your suggested correction.

Content originality

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in our articles. We never engage in such practices. We aim to create original, valuable, and cohesive content that genuinely assists people. While the topics we cover may sometimes have many articles, we try to explore the content from a different perspective, uncovering aspects that other media publications may not have addressed. Additionally, we provide references to other websites that have covered the same topic, aiding our readers in accessing more information from various sources.

Here are some principles we adhere to when creating content:

What did we do for content integrity?

We strive to ensure that our readers have comprehensive information not only about the topic of the article but also about all relevant factors. Each article includes an author’s byline, details on when the article was last updated, extensive author information, and a description of any edits made. When necessary, we provide information on the article’s research, including references to sources used during its creation. Moreover, articles may feature links to additional content on other websites, offering readers more information from diverse perspectives. Any changes to the article are indicated, allowing readers to understand the newly added information.

For articles where readers may require additional assurance of our credibility, such as reviews, we include extra links to various technical documentation and explanations of how we tested the product or service. For instance, a review may link to “How We Review Products.”

This approach helps readers stay informed about how the article was crafted and provides additional information on why they can trust our content.

If we provide photographs, they will not be edited to ensure an impartial representation of the product.


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