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How to hide App Store purchases on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Don't know how to hide an inconvenient purchase in AppStore? Let me help you with that.

How to cancel HBO Max on Samsung TV

Want to cancel HBO Max on your Samsung TV? Here's how.

How to block YouTube on FireStick

Want to block YouTube on your Firestick? Here's what you can do.

How to unhide chat in Microsoft Teams

Don't know how to unhide chat in Microsoft Teams? Let me help you with that?

How to fix WhatsApp says connecting

If you're facing a problem with your WhatsApp connection endlessly, I can help you fix it.

How to use a built-in video editor on Windows 11

Windows 11 has built-in functions for video editing. Let's see how to use it.

Here’s how to fix EOS Webcam Utility not working

If your EOS Webcam Utility doesn't work, this article will give you some fixes to solve it.

AdSense, Ad impressions are limited, how to fix it

You may encounter a problem with limiting Adsense ad impressions on your site. Many people panic and do not know what to do. Yes,...

“This extension violates the Chrome Web Store policy”, what is it?

Chrome disabled the extension you need on its own? Here's what it might be related to.

How to change name on Webex meeting

Want to change your name on Webex? Here's how.

How to use compatibility mode in Microsoft Edge

What is compatibility mode in Microsoft Edge? How you can use it? Read on.

How to fix Microsoft Teams isn’t updating your status

Can't update your status in Microsoft Teams? Here's how you can fix it.

How to trim or crop video on Windows 11

Don't understand how to trim or crop video in Windows 11? Let me help you with that.

How to use Less Than or Equal in Microsoft Excel

This article will help you understand the Less Than or Equal function in Excel.

How to fix photos not loading in iMessage

Can't load photos in iMessage? Here are some simple solutions.

How to update Windows Web Experience Pack

Want to update widgets on you Windows PC? Here's how you can do this.

How to clear memory on Samsung Smart TV

Not sure how to clear the cache of your Samsung Smart TV? I can help you with that.

How to download the Spectrum app on Samsung Smart TV

Can't get Spectrum on your Samsung Smart TV? Let me help you with that.

How to hide alerts in iMessage on your iPhone

Can't hide notifications in iMessage on your iPhone? Let me help you with that.

How to turn off text-to-speech in Windows 11

Don't understand how to disable Windows Narrator? Let me help you with that.

How to fix Whea Uncorrectable Error in Windows 11

Here are some simple solutions to fix WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on your Windows 11 PC.

How to hide the ‘Shared with You’ section on the Safari start page on iPhone

Tired of the Shared with You tab in Safari on your iPhone? Let me help you remove it.

How to remove a battery from a Samsung Smart TV remote

Don't know how to remove the batteries from Samsung Smart TV remote? Let me help you.

How to fix the Minecraft installer not working on Windows 11

Can't install Minecraft with Instaler on Windows 11? Let me help you fix it.

How to find HDMI on Samsung TV

Can't find HDMI on your Samsung TV? Let me help you with that.

How much does 65-inch Samsung TV weigh

Thinking about a new Samsung TV but worried that it will be too heavy? Let's find out how much they weigh.

How to turn off Zoom two-factor authentication

Don't understand how you can disable two-factor authentication in Zoom? Let me help you with that.

How to remove services in Windows 11

Do you want to uninstall services in Windows 11 and don't know how? Let me help you.

How to change the input source on Samsung TV without a remote?

Can't find the remote control to change the source on your Samsung TV? I can help with that.

How to check app data usage on your iPhone

Don't know how to check how much Internet data different applications consume? Let me help you.

Command to find MAC address on Windows

Don't know what command you need to use to find the Mac Address on your Windows? I can help you.

How to install or update Wi-Fi driver on Windows

This article will help you understand how to install and update Wi-Fi drivers.

How to split screen in Windows 11

Want to make it easier to work on your Windows 11 PC? Here's how you can split screen.

How to delete pre-installed apps on Samsung TV

Can't uninstall pre-installed apps on your Samsung TV? Let's find out why.

How to find and save drafts on TikTok

Don't know how to use drafts in TikTok? Let me help you with that.

How to view lyrics on Spotify

Want to see lyrics of your favorite songs on Spotify? Here's how.

How to create a recovery code for Zoom

Don't understand how you can create a recovery code for Zoom? Let me show you how.

How to fix iPhone’s frozen or stuck screen

Your iPhone is frozen or stuck and you don't know what to do? Here are some methods to fix it.

How to find your phone number on iPhone

Can't find your number on your iPhone? Let me help you.

How to take a scrolling screenshot of a website in Google Chrome

Don't know how to make a scrolling screenshot in Google Chrome? Let me show you how.

How to center a table in Microsoft Word

Can't center a table in Microsoft Word? Let me help you with that.

How to link to a specific part of Google Docs

If you needed to create a link to one specific piece of text in Google Docs, this article will help you.

How to find the halfway point in Google Maps

If you want to see halfway on your route in Google Maps, this article will help you.

How to export Google Chrome extensions

If you change browsers, you need to know how to export extensions from Google Chrome.

How to see system uptime in Windows

Want to know your Windows PC's uptime? Here's how you can do this.

How to check iMessage data usage on your iPhone

Worried that iMessage is wasting too much data? Let me show you how to check it.

How to strikethrough in Microsoft Word

Don't know how to cross out text in Microsoft Word? Let me help you with that.

How to fix if you can’t log in to YouTube

Here's how you can solve the problem of accessing your YouTube account.

Does iMessage notify when someone is taking screenshots?

Are there screenshot notifications in iMessage? Let's find out.

How to fix if you can’t open Windows Security in Windows 11

Here's how you can fix the Windows Security app on your PC.