Let's start with a short introduction. HelloFresh is a food subscription service that provides everything you need to cook healthy meals for your family....
Today, quite a large number of people use special devices for streaming. After all, everything is Internet-oriented, and cable television is gradually being abandoned....
Notifications in Android are incredibly useful. They help the user to always be aware of all events, important and not so important. However, sometimes...
There are a lot of different streaming services out there today that can really demand your attention. After Netflix, Discovery Plus, Disney Plus, HBO...
High Dynamic Range, or simply HDR, is something video game developers like to mention. They promise advanced graphics, but in reality, achieving a high-quality...
PayPal is a financial services provider that makes free money transfers and payments for online purchases possible. eBay's subsidiary, PayPal, is almost always listed...
Messengers have firmly entered people's lives and have practically replaced telephone communication. The popularity of applications for communicating through calls, texts, and file transfers...
Google Calendar is certainly a powerful tool for managing everything from appointments to schedules to reminders (and everything in between). As good as it...
Recently, among the numerous messengers, there is another one - Slack for corporate communication. It is positioned by the developers as the "Skype killer"...
TV watching is rapidly changing around the world, thanks to the advent of streaming video services such as Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. Streaming...
Wish is a leading shopping site and mobile app that has a huge number of available products with worldwide delivery. Products are delivered directly...
Disney Plus is one of the most popular and watched streaming services. This service is available on many platforms, from smartphones to TVs. Thousands...