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Monthly Archives: August, 2024

Sony PS5 Model Number Explanation, Meaning

Every product, including the PlayStation 5 (PS5), has a unique model number that helps identify its specific features. For the PS5, the model number...

Pixel defects in Samsung TVs, Samsung warranty, explained

The main element of the TV is the screen, and its quality determines your satisfaction with your purchase. Please be aware that not all...

List of Samsung TV error codes

Some error codes may appear on your Samsung TV, usually when using network functions. These errors indicate issues in the interaction between the TV’s...

Mac Mini generations by year

The first Mac mini came out in 2009, and since then there have been 10 generations of the device, some of which are now...

How to know the Samsung Galaxy Watch production date

You can find out the production date of Samsung Galaxy Watch by using the serial number or IMEI.

How to find your Galaxy Watch serial number and IMEI

All Galaxy Watches have a serial number, and if your watch can connect to a mobile network, it also has an IMEI - a...

Samsung Gear and Samsung Galaxy Watch compatibility list with phones

Electronic devices, be they phones, watches or televisions, inevitably become obsolete. Over time, even as they continue to work, they can lose compatibility with...

LG dryer model number decoder, explained

When selecting an LG dryer or searching for information about a specific device by model number, it is essential to understand the limitations inherent...

Samsung Galaxy Watch models by year, support, discontinued

Samsung Galaxy Watch has been released for 6 years now. During this time, there have been 6 different generations of smartwatches.

Bosch FD number production date decode, explained

Every Bosch appliance, whether it's a refrigerator or a mixer, has a production date, which is encoded in the FD (Factory Date) number. The...

Bosch Washing & Drying model and serial number lookup

If you need to know the model number or serial number of your Bosch washer, dryer or washer-dryer, it is best to check the...

How to disable Siri suggestions?

Turning off Siri suggestions is quite flexible and offers several levels of control. First Level: Global settings that apply to all applications, affecting the entire...

How to clear Siri suggestions

If you find Siri suggestions intrusive, you can turn them off.

How to use Siri to manage your calendar

Siri is an intelligent voice assistant designed to help Apple device users easily interact with their devices, making it easier to quickly access and...