Roku began as a simple streaming device designed to transform regular televisions into smart TVs. Over time, they expanded their offering by developing Roku...
If you need help with your Soundlink speaker, such as freezing, unstable Bluetooth connection, or not sounding right. The correct solution is to switch...
TV color accuracy is how your TV displays colors on the screen and how close they are to real colors. This parameter is very important for the correct perception of the picture on the screen.
HDR is a technology that enriches the picture on your TV with a wider color gamut, higher color volume, contrast ratio, and more precise color accuracy.
The International Mobile Equipment Identification Number (IMEI) is a unique identifier for a phone's GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) radio module. It has...
Telly offers a free 55-inch 4K TV that's featuring a secondary screen for ads, with a stylish design, and over 250,000 people on the waiting list, but there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Hulu is a great streaming service to subscribe to, especially if you're a cord-cutter, as this streaming service offers a wide selection of TV series. The basic plan is $8.
There are too many streamings all around. And if you like to watch different content, you may go crazy with subscription receipts. Especially when streaming services are raising their prices. So you need to choose the right one to use money wisely.